Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Marketing Yourself

In the business world, marketing is not about advertising. Marketing is about creating a product that's desirable, has a purpose, and most importantly fits with the core values of the company. I believe we can apply these same principles to our lives.

Ask yourself these questions.
  • Have you created someone that is desirable? I use the word create because thats what you do. You create who you are and what the world thinks about you.

  • Do you have a purpose? I know sometimes when we get lonely we question our purpose and ask why we are here. The answer to that question is "It's up to you!" You decide why you're here. You choose to say and do the things you want. You decide where your life is heading.

  • What are your core values? Everyone has these! They are the building blocks of who you are. They are your foundation. They can dictate everything you say and do. If you make these blocks strong they support you. If you live your life by these values you will constantly grow and positively affect everyone around you.

Once you answer these questions you can start working on who you are. If there is something, when you look at yourself, that you don't like or you're not proud of, change it! Just like a company would to a product if it was undesirable or didn't have a purpose. You have the choice. It's up to you. Who do you want to be? What do you want to be remembered as? Take the time to build the product that you're proud of. No matter where you're at in life something always can be inproved. You have to start with yourself before you can positively affect anyone else.

With passion,



Anonymous said...

I'm glad you started this. You have so many great things to say, and I'm looking forward to reading your blog often!


Sam Waugaman said...

This is a great first foundation blog. i am interested to see your other blog posts. I think this is a very unique idea.

Anonymous said...

I like it! This is particulary timely for myself! As of Janura 5th, my employment will cease! after 9 yrs with a company myself and 11 others are being "downsized". I have a great job and great pay. It's not gonna be easy finding one in this area that pays as well. I'm thinking about a career change. Ur blog has inspired me. Im already working on making myself more desireable...have been for about 10 months. working out loosing weight. so, the "packaging" will be more "desireable" anyways. Im 3 classes short of my associates degree...wish i woodnt of fukked around on that but I did! But now, Im thinking...I want a job where I help people. Maybe people like myself that need helpt, financially, emotionally, whatever.something that CAN make a difference in other's lives. rather than workin in a manufacturing facility.